12 ledna 2013

When should children leave home?

8. When should children leave home?
These days children leave thein parents later than Theky used to. The mason is that they want to study as long as possible, then travel the world and perhaps then become independent. For many young people it is also difficult to get a place to live unless thein parents help them or Theky get a really good job with high salary. So most of them prefer to start thein carem first and hen they have reached a certain position Theky settle down and start thein own family. People also tend to get married much later than before. In my opinion i tis not bad to stay with your parents for longer provided Theky don’t mind, of course. This way you can save a lot of money that you will need for buying your house or flat and you can put off very servus decisions concerning your future for a while.

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